Game of Life


Trigger Warnings:
Violence/Gore/DeathEnd of the world


Game of Life is a story surrounding my sona, Crest, and her journey of life as a never-dying AI program. She goes through 12 lives in total, her personality getting completely reset each time she dies. During her 9th life, Hart (my secondary sona) is created. He's a robot that was meant to house her AI, however just after he is finished Crest "dies." So the scientist that built Hart just made him a solo bot. As time goes on, other bots improve his design which leaves him neglected. Crest finds him in her 10th life, and together the two plot to take revenge on humanity. When Crest gets to her 11th life, she and Hart decimate the entire human race.


Story Status

Still undergoing planning, the major plot points are mostly planned however the actual backstory needs to be built up. Also planning another possible arc.


( Made with Carrd )